
What's the point?

Building interactive visualizations on the web can be hard, and it can be even harder when you would like to leverage existing visualization libraries inside a Vue.js project. The goal of Vuesalize is to simplify this process by providing a set of chart components (and a couple other components) that are commonly used in building interactive visualizations on the web. The charts are built using a combination of Vue.jsopen in new window and D3.jsopen in new window. The main rationale for this approach is to fully embrace the Vue paradigm and move the SVG definitions to the template (HTML), which allows Vue to handle creating and removing elements on the page. This is analogous to the "enter/update/exit" strategy used in D3 but specifically taking advantage of the virtual DOM. By building charts where the SVG is defined in Vue's template, we can not only send down props to update the chart, but can also emit events on interactions (e.g. click, mousover, etc.) and offer scoped slots for custom tooltips!



Starting with version 1.0.1, Vuesalize will only support Vue 3. If you'd like to use Vuesalize with Vue 2, use the last available version 0.2.0.

The library is currently available on npm, and it is possible to use it with Vue CLI (recommended) or directly with the CDN version in a <script> tag.


The steps to use is it in a project created using the Vue CLI are as follows:

  1. Install from npm using npm install vuesalize
  2. In main.js, import the Vuesalize plugin and install it using use(). Here is an example below for a project
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'

import 'vuesalize/dist/vuesalize.css'
import Vuesalize from 'vuesalize'

  1. Start using the components in templates. For example, if the StackedBarChart and LoaderSpinning components were going to be used in a default App.vue file, this is how it would be setup:

<script setup>
   const barchartdata = [
      { "date": 2019, "Utilities": 21, "Rent": 16, "Insurance": 22 },
      { "date": 2020, "Utilities": 19, "Rent": 10, "Insurance": 17 },

   <loader-spinning />
   <StackedBarChart :plot-data="barchartdata"
                    x-key="date" />

<style scoped></style>


It is quite simple to get started with the CDN. The vuesalize javascript and css files need to be linked (lines 5 and 7 below). Then after creating an app instance app = createApp({...}), you can call app.use(Vuesalize) to install the plugin. As with other packages, it is also necessary to link the official Vue 3 package (line 6) before vuesalize.

<html lang="en">
   <meta charset="utf-8">
   <title>Browser test</title>
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
   <script src=""></script>
   <script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
   <stacked-bar-chart :plot-data="barchartdata" x-key="date"></stacked-bar-chart>

   const { createApp } = Vue

   const app = createApp({
      data() {
         return {
            barchartdata: [
               { "date": 2019, "Utilities": 21, "Rent": 16, "Insurance": 22 },
               { "date": 2020, "Utilities": 19, "Rent": 10, "Insurance": 17 },




Examples of how each of the chart components can be used can be found in the sections below. Additionally, the SFC component templates can be retrieved from githubopen in new window


Stacked Bar Chart


Here is a simple example that constructs a stacked bar chart representing a set of generic expenses.

<StackedBarChart :plot-data="plotData"
                 :margin="{ top: 20, bottom: 35, left: 60, right: 20 }"
                 :y-tick-format="d => `$${d}`" />

Alternatively, it's possible to get a horizontal bar chart by passing in 'horizontal' for the direction prop.

<StackedBarChart :plot-data="plotData"
                 :margin="{ top: 20, bottom: 35, left: 60, right: 20 }"
                 :x-axis-label-shift="{ dx: 0, dy: -2}"
                 :y-axis-label-shift="{ dx: 0, dy: 5}"
                 :x-tick-format="d => `$${d}`" />

In order for the stacked bar chart to render properly, plot-data needs to be as an array of objects. There should be one key for the x value, and all the other keys will be for y values. The Budget3Groups.json data file (snippet below) that populates the example stacked bar chart has "date" for the x value, and "Utilities", "Rent", and "Insurance" for the y values. All the axis charts (bar charts, line charts, area charts) use the same format for data, making it easier to switch between them.

    "date": "2019",
    "Utilities": 5921,
    "Rent": 1026,
    "Insurance": 2324
    "date": "2020",
    "Utilities": 1539,
    "Rent": 1560,
    "Insurance": 1257


plot-data✔️Arraydata necessary to create the chart
x-key✔️Stringstring that is the key of the x value in plotdata
widthNumber350pxchart width in pixels
heightNumber250pxchart height in pixels
colorsArrayarray of colors used for each bar
directionString'vertical'direction of the chart. can be 'vertical' or 'horizontal'
bar-axis-locationString'bottom'placement of the x-axis for horizontal layout. can be 'bottom' or 'top'
marginObjectobject that contains the top, bottom, right, and left margins
enable-tooltipBooleanTrueTurn default tooltip on or off
padding-between-barsNumber0.10padding between the bars in a group. Must be between 0 and 1
x-axis-labelStringLabel for the x-axis
y-axis-labelStringLabel for the y-axis
x-axis-label-shiftObjectTakes dx and dy keys that move the location label
y-axis-label-shiftObjectTakes dx and dy keys that move the location label
x-tick-formatFunctionnullFunction passed into d3's tickFormatopen in new window for the x-axis
y-tick-formatFunctionnullFunction passed into d3's tickFormatopen in new window for the y-axis
x-minNumberMinimum value used for x scale
x-maxNumberMaximum value used for x scale
y-minNumberMinimum value used for y scale
y-maxNumberMaximum value used for y scale
x-ticksNumber5Argument passed into d3's ticksopen in new window for the x-axis
y-ticksNumber5Argument passed into d3's ticksopen in new window for the y-axis


EventLocationValue EmittedDescription
clickRectangleObjectx_label, y_label, x_value, and y_value of the bar in the stack that is clicked on


We provide a default tooltip that gives the x and y value for the bar that is hovered over. If you want to define a slightly more custom tooltip, then the bar's data is passed up in a scoped slotopen in new window.

Slot nameValueTypeDescription
tooltipbarObjectcontains x_label, y_label, x_value, and y_value keys of the bar in the stack that is hovered over

Grouped Bar Chart


Here is an example using the same expenses data as the stacked bar chart above. In this case, the bars are grouped.

<GroupedBarChart :plot-data="plotdata"
                 :margin="{ top: 20, bottom: 35, left: 55, right: 20 }"
                 :y-tick-format="d => `$${d}`" />

And, again, it's possible to get a horizontal bar chart by passing in 'horizontal' for the direction prop.

<GroupedBarChart :plot-data="plotdata" 
                 :x-axis-label-shift="{ dx: 0, dy: -2 }"
                 :y-axis-label-shift="{ dx: 0, dy: 5 }"
                 :x-tick-format="d => `$${d}`" />

Format of Data

In order for the stacked bar chart to render properly, plot-data needs to be as an array of objects. There should be one key for the x value, and all the other keys will be for y values. The Budget3Groups.json data file (snippet below) that populates the example grouped bar chart has "date" for the x value, and "Utilities", "Rent", and "Insurance" for the y values. All of the axis charts (bar charts, line charts, area charts) use the same format for data, making it easier to switch between them.

    "date": "2019",
    "Utilities": 5921,
    "Rent": 1026,
    "Insurance": 2324
    "date": "2020",
    "Utilities": 1539,
    "Rent": 1560,
    "Insurance": 1257


plot-data✔️Arraydata necessary to create the chart
x-key✔️Stringstring that is the key of the x value in plotdata
widthNumber350pxchart width in pixels
heightNumber250pxchart height in pixels
colorsArrayarray of colors used for each bar
directionString'vertical'direction of the chart. can be 'vertical' or 'horizontal'
bar-axis-locationString'bottom'placement of the x-axis for horizontal layout. can be 'bottom' or 'top'
padding-between-barsNumber0.15padding between the bars in a group. Must be between 0 and 1
padding-between-groupsNumber0.15padding between the groups of bars. Must be between 0 and 1
marginObjectobject that contains the top, bottom, right, and left margins
enable-tooltipBooleanTrueTurn default tooltip on or off
x-axis-labelStringLabel for the x-axis
y-axis-labelStringLabel for the y-axis
x-axis-label-shiftObjectTakes dx and dy keys that move the location label
y-axis-label-shiftObjectTakes dx and dy keys that move the location label
x-tick-formatFunctionnullFunction passed into d3's tickFormatopen in new window for the x-axis
y-tick-formatFunctionnullFunction passed into d3's tickFormatopen in new window for the y-axis
x-minNumberMinimum value used for x scale
x-maxNumberMaximum value used for x scale
y-minNumberMinimum value used for y scale
y-maxNumberMaximum value used for y scale
x-ticksNumber5Argument passed into d3's ticksopen in new window for the x-axis
y-ticksNumber5Argument passed into d3's ticksopen in new window for the y-axis



Line Chart

Simple Time Scale

The line chart component allows for one or more lines to be plotted. The default for x-axis scale is a time scale. Here is a simple example:

<LineChart :plot-data="plotData"
           :margin="{ top: 20, bottom: 30, left: 50, right: 20 }"
           :y-tick-format="d => `$${d}`" />

The format of the plot-data prop needs to be as an array of objects. There should be one key for the x value, and all the other keys will be for y values. The Budget3Groups.json data file (snippet below) that populates the example line chart has "date" for the x value, and "Utilities", "Rent", and "Insurance" for the y values. All the axis charts (bar charts, line charts, area charts) use the same format for data, making it easier to switch between them.

    "date": "2019",
    "Utilities": 5921,
    "Rent": 1026,
    "Insurance": 2324
    "date": "2020",
    "Utilities": 1539,
    "Rent": 1560,
    "Insurance": 1257

Linear Scale With Points

Using a linear scale instead of a time scale is as simple as passing the prop :use-time-scale-x-axis="false", and you can even show the points that create the line chart by passing in :show-points=true

<LineChart :plot-data="plotDataLinear"
           :x-axis-label-shift="{dy: -5}"
           x-axis-label="Days Since Start of New Program"
           :y-tick-format="d => `$${d}`" />

Uncertainty Bounds

Lastly, you can also plot uncertainty bounds with the lines. The format of plot-data is similar but will need to be altered slightly to pass in the bounds. A sample of component code and data format are below the chart.

        x-axis-label="Days Since Launch"
        :x-axis-label-shift="{ dy: -6 }"
        :y-tick-format="(d) => `$${d}`"
        :stroke-width="2.5" />

The format of plot-data in this case also needs to be an array of objects. The x values should all have the same x-key and the y values should be objects. The objects need lower, value, and upper keys in order to render the areas with lower and upper, and the line with value.

    "days": 10,
    "Android": {
      "lower": 3221,
      "value": 3521,
      "upper": 3921
    "iPhone": {
      "lower": 825,
      "value": 1021,
      "upper": 1321
    "days": 20,
    "Android": {
      "lower": 1193,
      "value": 1593,
      "upper": 1793
    "iPhone": {
      "lower": 1060,
      "value": 1860,
      "upper": 1960


plot-data✔️Arraydata necessary to create the chart
x-key✔️Stringstring that is the key of the x value in plotdata
use-time-scale-x-axisBooleantrueused to indicate whether a time scale or linear scale is used for x axis. if set to true pass in strings that can be converted to dates for x values
widthNumber350pxchart width in pixels
heightNumber250pxchart height in pixels
colorsArrayarray of colors used for each line
marginObjectobject that contains the top, bottom, right, and left margins
enable-tooltipBooleanTrueTurn default tooltip on or off
stroke-widthNumber2stroke-width for areas
x-axis-labelStringLabel for the x-axis
y-axis-labelStringLabel for the y-axis
x-axis-label-shiftObjectTakes dx and dy keys that move the location label
y-axis-label-shiftObjectTakes dx and dy keys that move the location label
x-tick-formatFunctionnullFunction passed into d3's tickFormatopen in new window for the x-axis
y-tick-formatFunctionnullFunction passed into d3's tickFormatopen in new window for the y-axis
y-minNumberMinimum value used for y scale
y-maxNumberMaximum value used for y scale
x-ticksNumber5Argument passed into d3's ticksopen in new window for the x-axis
y-ticksNumber5Argument passed into d3's ticksopen in new window for the y-axis
show-pointsBooleanfalseShow points that construct the line chart
point-radiusNumber4Radius of points if there shown with show-points=true
area-fill-opacityNumber0.6Fill opacity used for area uncertainty bounds



The default tooltip that gives all of the values for the x value hovered over. If you want to define a slightly more custom tooltip, then the line's data is passed up in a scoped slotopen in new window.

Slot nameValueTypeDescription
tooltiprowObjectcontains the x key and all of the y keys for the x value that is hovered over

Area Chart


Area charts are similar to line charts except the area under the curve is filled in. A simple area chart with two groups is rendered below

<AreaChart :plot-data="plotData"
           :margin="{ top: 20, bottom: 30, left: 55, right: 20 }"
           :y-tick-format="d => `$${d}`" />

In order to get a stacked area chart, set the stacked prop to true

<AreaChart :plot-data="plotData"
           :margin="{ top: 20, bottom: 30, left: 55, right: 20 }"
           :y-tick-format="d => `$${d}`" />

Format of Data

In order for the stacked bar chart to render properly, plot-data needs to be as an array of objects. There should be one key for the x value, and all the other keys will be for y values. The Budget3Groups.json data file (snippet below) that populates the example area chart has date for the x value, and Utilities, Rent, and Insurance for the y values. All axis charts (bar charts, line charts, area charts) use the same format for data, making it easier to switch between them.

    "date": "2019",
    "Utilities": 5921,
    "Rent": 1026,
    "Insurance": 2324
    "date": "2020",
    "Utilities": 1539,
    "Rent": 1560,
    "Insurance": 1257


plot-data✔️Arraydata necessary to create the chart
x-key✔️Stringstring that is the key of the x value in plotdata
widthNumber350pxchart width in pixels
heightNumber250pxchart height in pixels
colorsArrayarray of colors used for areas
marginObjectobject that contains the top, bottom, right, and left margins
stackedBooleanchanges to stacked area chart
fill-opacityNumber0.65fill opacity for each path, must be between 0 and 1
stroke-widthNumber2stroke-width for areas
x-axis-labelStringLabel for the x-axis
y-axis-labelStringLabel for the y-axis
x-axis-label-shiftObjectTakes dx and dy keys that move the location label
y-axis-label-shiftObjectTakes dx and dy keys that move the location label
x-tick-formatFunctionnullFunction passed into d3's tickFormatopen in new window for the x-axis
y-tick-formatFunctionnullFunction passed into d3's tickFormatopen in new window for the y-axis
x-ticksNumber5Argument passed into d3's ticksopen in new window for the x-axis
y-ticksNumber5Argument passed into d3's ticksopen in new window for the y-axis



The default tooltip that gives all of the values for the x value hovered over. If you want to define a slightly more custom tooltip, then the area's data is passed up in a scoped slotopen in new window.

Slot nameValueTypeDescription
tooltiprowObjectcontains the x key and all of the y keys for the x value that is hovered over

Scatter Plot


A scatter plot helps display relationships between two variables in a plot. Transitions are built in for moving the points around, as well transitioning the fill, radius, etc. Click the update data button below to see this in action!

<ScatterPlot :plotData="plotData"
             :margin="{ top: 20, bottom: 40, right: 20, left: 50 }"
             :x-axis-label-shift="{ dx: 5, dy: -5}"
             :x-tick-format="d => `$${d}`" />

It is possible to add a contour plot below the scatterplot points by passing in summary="contour". More summary types will be added in the future. You can also fine tune the contour plot by passing in an object to the summary-options prop with any of the contour plots available props.

        :x-axis-label-shift="{ dx: 5, dy: -5 }"
        :x-tick-format="(d) => `$${d}`" />

Format of Data

The data format required for the plot-data prop is an array of objects. each object should contain the x and y values for each point, and these can be specified by the x-key and y-key keys. Additionally, passing in styling values in each object offers more fine-grained control as opposed to setting one consistent style in the props (e.g. passing in different fill values for each point instead of passing in one fill value as a prop). The table below has all the possible keys that can be included for an objects

[x-key]✔️Stringx value for the point
[y-key]✔️Stringy value for the point
radiusNumberradius of the point
fillStringfill of the point
fillOpacityNumberfill opacity of the point
strokeStringstroke of the point
strokeOpacityNumberstroke opacity of the point
strokeWidthNumberstroke width of the point
labelStringtext that can be added on top of the point
labelColorStringtext color of label
labelSizeNumbersize of label

Here is a snippet of the data that the example scatterplot above uses

    "profit": 103,
    "utility": 9,
    "radius": 5,
    "fill": "#ff3000"
    "profit": 359,
    "utility": 54,
    "radius": 5,
    "fill": "#ff3000"


plot-data✔️Arraydata necessary to create the chart
x-key✔️Stringstring that is the key of the x values in plotdata
y-key✔️Stringstring that is the key of the y values in plotdata
widthNumber350pxchart width in pixels
heightNumber250pxchart height in pixels
marginObjectobject that contains the top, bottom, right, and left margins
radiusNumber5radius for all points
fillStringblackfill for all points
fill-opacityNumber1fill opacity for all points, must be between 0 and 1
strokeStringblackstroke for all points
stroke-opacityNumber1stroke opacity for all points, must be between 0 and 1
stroke-widthNumber1stroke width for all points
x-axis-labelStringLabel for the x-axis
y-axis-labelStringLabel for the y-axis
x-axis-label-shiftObjectTakes dx and dy keys that move the location label
y-axis-label-shiftObjectTakes dx and dy keys that move the location label
x-axis-translateNumber0Value that translates the x-axis starting from bottom
y-axis-translateNumber0Value that translates the y-axis starting from left
x-tick-formatFunctionnullFunction passed into d3's tickFormatopen in new window for the x-axis
y-tick-formatFunctionnullFunction passed into d3's tickFormatopen in new window for the y-axis
x-minNumberMinimum value used for x scale
x-maxNumberMaximum value used for x scale
y-minNumberMinimum value used for y scale
y-maxNumberMaximum value used for y scale
x-tick-valuesArraynullArgument passed into d3's ticksValuesopen in new window for the x-axis
y-tick-valuesArraynullArgument passed into d3's ticksValuesopen in new window for the y-axis
x-ticksNumber5Argument passed into d3's ticksopen in new window for the x-axis
y-ticksNumber5Argument passed into d3's ticksopen in new window for the y-axis
label-colorStringblackText color of all labels
label-sizeNumber10Size of all labels
summaryStringnullAdd summary under points. Available options: contour
summary-optionsObjectProps that can be passed to underlying summary. Same as ContourPlot props
show-pointsBooleantrueShow/hide all points. Useful to display summary with axes and not display any of the points
show-x-axisBooleantrueShow/hide x axis. Useful to optimize summary plots if not planning to use points or axes.
show-y-axisBooleantrueShow/hide y axis. Useful to optimize summary plots if not planning to use points or axes.


EventLocationValue EmittedDescription
clickCircleObjectthe object in the array that is clicked on for the circle will be emitted


Slot nameValueTypeDescription
tooltiprowObjectcontains point and event objects for point that is hovered over

Contour Plot


Contour plots display relationships between 3 variables by plotting the "surface" on a 2d plane. The component actually performs a 2D KDE (using the fast-kdeopen in new window package) under the hood on the points passed in. Play with the width and height sliders below to see the plot change size while maintaining its aspect ratio!


  import plotData from "./ScatterPlotData.json"

  export default {
    name: "ContourPlotExample",
    data() {
      return {
        width: 300,
        height: 300,

Format of Data

The data format required for the plot-data prop is an array of objects. each object should contain the x and y values for each point, and these can be specified by the x-key and y-key keys. The table below has all the possible keys that can be included for an objects

[x-key]✔️Stringx value for the point
[y-key]✔️Stringy value for the point

Here is a snippet of the data that the example scatterplot above uses

    "profit": 103,
    "utility": 9
    "profit": 359,
    "utility": 54


plot-data✔️Arraydata necessary to create the chart
x-key✔️Stringstring that is the key of the x values in plotdata
y-key✔️Stringstring that is the key of the y values in plotdata
widthNumber256chart width in pixels
heightNumber256chart height in pixels
binsArray[256,256]number of bins used for internal grid and is passed into fast-kdeopen in new window bins argument
bandwidthArrayrequires array of two numbers (e.g. [1, 1]). bandwidth passed in to fast-kdeopen in new window bandwidth argument.
color-scaleFunctiond3 scaleopen in new window that is used for coloring the contours
use-thresholdsBooleantruedetermines whether to use exact thresholds from color scale. does not require an explicit color-scale prop to be passed in. setting to false will result in smoother contours



Donut Chart

Under construction...

Additional Components

Basic Legend


Legends are useful for many charts and a simple component is provided in the library. The examples below show how to use the component in both the vertical and horizontal alignments. The vertical legend also has the enable-toggle prop added, which allows the legend to be used like a set of checkboxes by emitting a click event with the selected objects' data.


  • Utilities

  • Rent

  • Insurance


  • Utilities

  • Rent

  • Insurance

    <BaseLegend :legend-data="legendData"
                :alignment="'horizontal'" />

    <BaseLegend :legend-data="legendDataToggleEnabled"
                enable-toggle />

  export default {
    name: "BaseLegendExample",
    data() {
      return {
        legendData: [
          { name: "Utilities", color: '#717e9b' },
          { name: "Rent", color: '#b6b6db' },
          { name: "Insurance", color: '#bcd8f1' }
        legendDataToggleEnabled: [
          { name: "Utilities", color: '#717e9b', selected: true },
          { name: "Rent", color: '#b6b6db' },
          { name: "Insurance", color: '#bcd8f1', selected: true }

Format of Data

The legend component takes in a simple array of objects that contains name and color keys. If enable-toggle is set to true, then a selected key can also be passed in with true or false values.

    "name": "Utilities",
    "color": "#717e9b"
    "name": "Rent",
    "color": "#b6b6db"
    "name": "Insurance",
    "color": "#bcd8f1"


legend-data✔️Objectdata necessary to create the legend
alignmentString'horizontal'Two options for alignment: 'vertical' or 'horizontal'
enable-toggleBooleanfalseallows the items in the legend to be clickable and emits the object on click


EventLocationValue EmittedDescription
clickMarker or textObjectIf enable-toggle prop is true, the entire item object (name and color) is emitted
keypress.spaceMarkerObjectIf enable-toggle prop is true and the marker to tabbed to on the keyboard, the entire item object (name and color) is emitted

Loading Spinner

The loading spinner is useful when data is being fetched from an API and there is some lag before the GUI receives it.


<LoaderSpinning />


radiusNumber64radius (in px) of the loading spinner
colorString#fffcolor of the loading spinner borders

Component Parts


Default tooltips are provided for some of the charts, which make it easy to get up and running quickly. However, it is common for users to want to define a slightly more custom tooltip that might better fit their needs. This can be done with Slotsopen in new window and Scoped Slotsopen in new window. Each chart that has a default tooltip will also have a slot that passes up data about the part of the chart that is hovered on.


Here is an example that defines a custom tooltip for the same stacked bar chart using the x_label, y_label, x_value, and y_value of the bar that is hovered over, which are destructuredopen in new window from the tooltip slot

  <StackedBarChart :width="350" :height="250" :plot-data="plotData"
                   :margin="margin" x-key="date"
                   x-axis-label="Year" y-axis-label="Expenses"
                   :y-tick-format="d => `$${d}`">
    <template v-slot:tooltip="{ bar }">
      <p>Here are values when you hover over a bar</p>
      <p>{{ bar.x_label }}, {{ bar.y_label }}, {{ bar.x_value }}, {{ bar.y_value }}</p>

  import SBCdata from './Budget3Groups.json'

  export default {
    name: "StackedBarChartExample",
    data() {
      return {
        plotData: SBCdata,
        margin: { top: 20, bottom: 35, left: 60, right: 20 },


The axis based plots also have the ability to add annotations.


The chart below shows adding a horizontal dashed line to stacked bar chart which might indicate, for example, a max budget line.

  <StackedBarChart :plot-data="plotData" x-key="date"
                   :margin="margin" x-axis-label="Year" y-axis-label="Expenses"
                   :annotations="annotations" :y-tick-format="d => `$${d}`">

  import SBCdata from './Budget3Groups.json'

  export default {
    name: "StackedBarChartExample",
    data() {
      return {
        plotData: SBCdata,
        margin: { top: 20, bottom: 35, left: 55, right: 70 },
        annotations: [
            type: "line", axis: "y", color: "#ef0202", value: 8000, dash: true,
            label: 'Max Budget', labeldx: 35, labeldy: -6

Another example here adds two vertical lines to a line chart indicating specific start and end dates of money allocated to marketing expenses, and the point at which sales peaked in 2022.

  <LineChart :plot-data="plotData" x-key="date"
             :width="450" :height="250" :margin="margin"
             x-axis-label="Year" y-axis-label="Expenses"
             :annotations="annotations" :y-tick-format="d => `$${d}`">

  import LCdata from "./Budget3Groups.json";

  export default {
    name: "LineChartExample",
    data() {
      return {
        plotData: LCdata,
        margin: { top: 20, bottom: 30, left: 50, right: 20 },
        annotations: [
            type: "line",
            axis: "x",
            color: "#b3080e",
            label: "Start Date",
            labeldy: -5,
            value: new Date(2019, 6, 0)
            type: "line",
            axis: "x",
            color: "#b3080e",
            label: "End Date",
            labeldy: -5,
            value: new Date(2020, 6, 0)
            type: "circle",
            center: [new Date(2022, 0, 0), 4900],
            radius: 17,
            dash: true,
            color: "purple",
            label: "Peak Sales",
            labeldy: -25


Annotations need to be an array of objects, even if it is only one object. The annotation object requires the following properties given each annotation type

type✔️Stringtype of annotation, current options: line, rect, circle
axis✔️Stringoptions: "x" or "y"
value✔️Numbervalue on the x or y axis
colorStringblackcolor name, hex code, or rgb value
dashBooleanFalsewhether line should have dashes or not
labelStringlabel used for annotation
labelAnchorString'middle'text-anchor property for label. can be 'start', 'end' or 'middle'
labeldxNumbershift label in x direction
labeldyNumbershift label in y direction
type✔️Stringtype of annotation, current options: line, rect, circle
center✔️Arraycenter of rect. array of [x, y], e.g. [150, 200]
radius✔️Numberradius of circle
colorStringblackcolor name, hex code, or rgb value
dashBooleanFalsewhether line should have dashes or not
labelStringlabel used for annotation
labelAnchorString'middle'text-anchor property for label. can be 'start', 'end' or 'middle'
labeldxNumbershift label in x direction
labeldyNumbershift label in y direction
type✔️Stringtype of annotation, current options: line, rect, circle
center✔️Arraycenter of rect. array of [x, y], e.g. [150, 200]
width✔️Numberwidth of rect.
height✔️Numberheight of rect
colorStringblackcolor name, hex code, or rgb value
dashBooleanFalsewhether line should have dashes or not
labelStringlabel used for annotation
labelAnchorString'middle'text-anchor property for label. can be 'start', 'end' or 'middle'
labeldxNumbershift label in x direction
labeldyNumbershift label in y direction
useScaleBooleanFalseuse same x and y scales when projecting the rectangle on the plot
Last Updated:
Contributors: Harout Boujakjian, Harout Boujakjian, squarerout