Best Vue.js Notification Components 2024

Not all notifications are created equal! Styling, animation and position all matter when pushing a notification you want to be read.

I've collected some of my favourite, versatile (and mostly lightweight) Vue.js Notification, Alert & Toast Components in this article!

I'll keep the list updated if I stumble upon a new awesome library! If you think I should include one in particular, just tell me via Twitter (@MadeWithVueJS).

Vue Notification

  • ✅ Support for Vue 2 + 3

vue-notification  2386 is a simple and pretty lightweight notification library. 

You can choose between CSS and velocity-Animations for your notifications and customize duration, speed, positions and size. It offers 3 styles for success / error / warning alerts, but custom templating and styling is also possible.

It covers all important use cases for notifications without unnecessary overhead.

For well-maintained Vue 3 support use the port/fork kyvg/vue3-notification 359!

Vue Notification Notification Library
icon-eye-dark Created with Sketch. 26.230
Vue3 Notification Vue 3 Notification Library
icon-eye-dark Created with Sketch. 10.136

Vue Toast Notification 613

  • ✅ Support for Vue 2 + 3

vue-toast-notification is one of the most lightweight alternatives for basic notifications with configurations for type (success / error / warning etc), position, duration, message, action and queuing.

The library does not offer fancy progress bars or similar gimmicks, but if you just want to display a message to your users this might be everything you need!

Vue Toast Notification Toast Notification Component
icon-eye-dark Created with Sketch. 28.554

Notivue 642

  • ✨ Support for Vue 3

Notivue is a modular toast notification system for Vue and Nuxt. You can use their drop-in components or use your own together with their headless API.

Notivue is fully accessible (including a reduced motion-mode), offers RTL support and provides everything you need to create, update and dismiss notifications in your apps.

The modularity makes this library really versatile and flexible!

Notivue Vue 3 Notification System
icon-eye-dark Created with Sketch. 2.503

Vue3 Toastify 364

  • ✨ Support for Vue 3

Vue3 Toastify is a newer, easy to setup notification library. Its feature set is pretty complete, offering everything you need to add all kinds of toasts to your apps.

All toasts are customizable individually, and you could even display another component within a toast!

Vue3 Toastify Notification Library
icon-eye-dark Created with Sketch. 2.998

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