Plans of the next Iteration of Vue.js [via The Vue Point]

Evan You, the creator of Vue.js gave a little sneak peek of the plans for Vue.js 3.0 at Vue.js London 2018. The new major version aims to be smaller, faster and more powerful:

We’ve accumulated a number of ideas that would bring improvements, but they were held off because they would result in breaking changes. At the same time, the JavaScript ecosystem and the language itself has been evolving rapidly. What’s more exciting is that we are seeing ES2015 support becoming a baseline for all major evergreen browsers. Vue 3.0 aims to leverage these new language features to make Vue core smaller, faster, and more powerful.
Evan You
Creator of Vue.js

Vue 3.0 will probably be shipped sometime 2019. In this article, Evan gives an overview of improvements and new features that will be implemented.

Read More about Vue.js 3.0

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