Vue.js App Performance Optimization – A Tutorial Series [via ITNEXT]

Performance – such an important topic! It's easy to forget about bad network speed and older devices when you're developing your apps with the latest gear and on a speedy fibreglass network connection. Reason enough to double down on your knowledge about performance optimization with this great article series by Filip Rakowski.

In his tutorials, Filip is sharing what he and his team learned while working on making Alokai (formerly Vue Storefront) load as fast as possible.

In this series I’ll dig deep into Vue performance optimization techniques that we are using in Vue Storefront and that you can use in your Vue.js applications to make them loading instantly and perform smooth.
Filip Rakowski
Co-founder Vue Storefront

There are 7 parts to the whole series – start now with Part 1 (Introduction to Performance Optimization and Lazy Loading)!

👉 Start Reading

PS: Also check out Vue Storefront! As you can guess, it's performance optimized 🙃

Alokai (formerly Vue Storefront) Frontend Platform for Headless Commerce
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