made with vue.js

Full-Stack Vue.js 2 and Laravel 5

Bring the Frontend and Backend together with Vue, Vuex, and Laravel

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Bring the Frontend and Backend together with Vue, Vuex, and Laravel

"Learn to build professional full-stack web apps with Vue.js and Laravel. In this book, you will build a room-booking website named "Vuebnb". This project will show you the core features of Vue, Laravel and other state-of-the-art web development tools and techniques."


Anthony Gore

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Building Applications with Spring 5 and Vue.js 2 Build a modern, full-stack web application using Spring Boot and Vuex
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Vue.js: Up and Running Building Accessible and Performant Web Apps
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Sentry for Vue Vue Application Monitoring
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The Majesty of Vue.js 2 Learn Vue.js 2 from scratch
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