Word Finder

The world's simplest, useful and performant word unscrambler.

Looking for a word finder for your favorite game? Whether you're playing Scrabble, Words with Friends, Wordle, or any other game, our word finder tool will help you score big! Just enter the letters you have available, and our word finder will show you all the words that can be made with those letters.
Ready to start finding words? Give our word finder a try now!

What is Word Finder?

Word finder is a tool that helps you find words for games like Scrabble, Words With Friends and many more. It generates words based on your input letters, and it also helps you find words based on their definitions. You can use word finder to improve your vocabulary or to find words that will help you win your next game.

What is Wordfinderz?

Wordfinderz is the perfect tool for word game enthusiasts of all levels. Whether you're a casual player looking to improve your skills, or a seasoned pro seeking an edge over the competition, Wordfinderz is all you need. Our comprehensive database includes dictionaries for all major word games, including Scrabble, Words with Friends, Wordle, and many more. With over 100,000 words at your disposal, you're sure to find the perfect play no matter what the situation. In addition to our extensive word list, Wordfinderz also offers a variety of helpful tools and features. Our anagram solver can unscramble letters to find all valid words, while our Word Builder tool helps you create words from scratch. Whether you're looking for a competitive edge, or just want to improve your skills, Wordfinderz is the perfect resource for all your word game needs.

Why do you need a Word Finder tool?

We all know how frustrating it is when you're stuck on a Scrabble or Words with Friends board with no idea what words you can play. That's where a word finder comes in handy! Word finder is an online tool that helps you find words that you can play based on the letters that you have available.
You simply enter the letters that you have and it returns a list of words that you can play. Our word finder also shows you how many points each word is worth, so you can make the best possible move for your game. It also helps you improve your vocabularies. By finding new words, you can learn their meanings and how to use them in sentences.

How to Use Word Finder?

If you're stuck on a Scrabble or Words with Friends board and need some help finding words, our Word Finder tool is just what you need. Simply put your letters into the box and hit search. It will do the rest and show you all the words that can be made from your letters. Not sure how many points a particular word is worth? No problem! Just click on the word to see its definition and score. You can also sort the results by highest scoring words first, so you can quickly find the best play. Ready to take your game to the next level? Use our anagrammer to unscramble letters and make new words. This is especially helpful when you have a lot of tiles left on your rack and are looking for high scoring words. Our word finder tool is fast, easy to use, and free! So why not give it a try next time you're stuck on a board?


  • What games can I use the Wordfinderz for?

    Wordfinderz can be used for Scrabble, Words with Friends, Wordle, and many more word games.

  • Will Wordfinderz give me the highest scoring words?

    Yes! Wordfinderz will always give you the highest scoring words for the game you are playing.

  • Does Wordfinderz have a limit on the number of search results it can provide?

    No, this website does not have a limit on the number of search results it can provide. It has a comprehensive database of words, and can return as many results as needed to meet your search criteria.

  • Is this website mobile-friendly?

    Yes, this website is fully optimized for mobile devices. It can be easily accessed and used on any smartphone or tablet, without the need to download any additional apps or software.