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Kitbag Router

Type-Safe Router

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Type-Safe Router

Introducing kitbag/router, a new type-safe router for Vue.js!

Kitbag Router introduces a fresh, developer-centric approach to routing in Vue.js applications.

At the heart of Kitbag Router lies a commitment to enhancing the developer experience. First and foremost that means type safety, but also better parameter experience, support for query, rejection handling, simple intuitive syntax, and an extensible design written with modern Typescript.

  • 😻 Type-safety everywhere
  • 😻 Amazing params
  • 😻 Support for params in query
  • 😻 Built-in rejection handling

It's built from scratch for Vue 3 with Typescript and Vite. The docs are built on Vitepress, tests are written with Vitest."


Evan Sutherland

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