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Mastering Pinia

Online Course

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Online Course

"The complete guide to Mastering Pinia: Become an expert in the official state management solution for Vue.js! 

A proper state management solution is built to address common pitfalls of building scalable Vue.js applications from the very beginning. It gives you enough freedom to organize your stores, while still enabling good practices, like code splitting, by default.

While there is no such thing as a silver bullet for state management, Pinia makes handling global reactive state easy. How? In many ways! It uses familiar concepts like getters and actions that are easy to reason about. Pinia’s stores also work seamlessly with Vue components written either in the Options API or the Composition API. You can even use Vue composables directly inside your stores for a super-powered global state.

This course also covers the bad and good practices of using Pinia, so you can not only build stores the right way but also improve your existing ones.

Who better to deliver the course than the man who authored Pinia, Eduardo San Martin Morote?"


Eduardo San Martin Morote

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