made with vue.js

Surreal CMS

Hosted CMS for Static Websites

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Hosted CMS for Static Websites

"Surreal CMS is a unique content management system. It lives in the cloud instead of on your server, so you don't have to install it. Instead, we connect to your website using FTP, FTPS, SFTP, or Amazon S3 and publish everything directly to your server.

I like to say, you host the website, we host the CMS.

The content management app is built with Vue.js on the front-end and Node.js on the back-end."

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Mobilizon Community & Event Management Platform
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Build Your BMW BMW Car Configurator
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Sentry for Vue Vue Application Monitoring
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We’re hosting on Digital Ocean! πŸ’™ Try it today and get a free $100 credit.
ColorsWall Color Palette Tool
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PostFlow Social Media Scheduler
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