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Vue Store

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Vue Store

"Pinia offers an intuitive, type safe and flexible Store for Vue using the Composition API, and comes with DevTools support.

Pinia is is the most similar English pronunciation of the word pineapple in Spanish: piña 🍍. A pineapple is in reality a group of individual flowers that join together to create a multiple fruit. Similar to stores, each one is born individually, but they are all connected at the end. It's also a delicious tropical fruit indigenous to South America."


Eduardo San Martin Morote

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Vue Snip Text Truncation Directive
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Vue Chat Scroll Keep scrollables scrolled to the bottom
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Sentry for Vue Vue Application Monitoring
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Supercharge Your Development with the Power of Vue and Material Design
Vue Observe Visibility Element Visibility Observer
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Pinia ORM Object-Relational Mapping for Pinia
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