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Become a Ninja with Vue 3


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"Learn how to build a full application with Vue 3, tests, the router, forms, TypeScript, and the Composition API with our ebook (and online workshop) "Become a Ninja with Vue 3" 🚀

It's for beginner students, experienced developers, seasoned Vue 2 users or fans of other frameworks alike.

You can pay what you want for our ebook, and give a percentage to support the Vue team!"


Cedric Exbrayat

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Building Vue.js Applications with GraphQL Develop a complete full-stack chat app from scratch
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30 Days of Vue Free eBook - Introduction to Vue.js
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Sentry for Vue Vue Application Monitoring
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Discover a framework that is designed from scratch to be incrementally adoptable!
Vue.js 2 Cookbook A book on how to build modern, interactive web applications with Vue.js
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Testing Vue.js Applications Testing Vue Components, Methods, Events & Output
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