Build a Vue.js E-Commerce App with ButterCMS Headless Backend [via Snipcart]

We love the freedom of not having to work with closed ecosystems! Especially in the e-comm space, all-in-one systems can be quite rigid and uncomfortable to work with.

Jean-Seb Tremblay, developer at Snipcart, agrees 😉 and shows you a custom alternative. He wrote a tutorial on how to build a custom e-commerce app on top of headless ButterCMS as a backend, Vue.js for the frontend and Snipcart as a shopping cart platform!

Jean-Seb is also pointing out the advantages of using Vue.js for e-commerce:

„So why use Vue for e-commerce, huh? It makes for a modular, easily portable store frontend–plays well with any backend. It's fast, with high performance–speed is key in e-commerce. And it's just... easy to get started with development!“
Jean-Seb Tremblay
Developer at Snipcart

Take a look at the tutorial, the GitHub Repo or the Live Demo of the Project!

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