The best Vue.js Frameworks 2024

Framework-ception! This collection of frameworks helps you kickstart your Vue projects. There's a variety of libraries within the Vue-niverse that support you with routine tasks and boilerplate code.

If you think we're missing an essential entry on this list, just tell us via Twitter @MadeWithVueJS!

General Frameworks

Nuxt.js  56598

Nuxt is an opinionated framework that helps you create performant and SEO-friendly fullstack Vue apps. 

Nuxt focuses on the UI rendering aspect and offers modes for server-side rendering, static site generation or creating an SPA. It presets all of the config and structure you need to make development easier for you.

Nuxt.js Intuitive Vue Application Framework
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Static Site Generators

VuePress  2487 & VitePress 14350

VuePress is a static site generator made by the Vue.js team. Originally, it has been developed to power the official Vue Docs. It works with a markdown-centered project structure, and generates pre-rendered HTML that then feeds into an SPA.

VuePress 2487 is a themeable solution that gets you from zero to published in no time. VuePress 1 is built on top of Webpack, but VuePress 2 also supports Vite.

A lightweight Vue 3 alternative also built by the core team on top of Vite is VitePress 14350, which is more opinionated and minimal. 

VuePress Vue-powered Static Site Generator
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Vitepress Static Site Generator
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eCommerce Frameworks

Vue Storefront  10755

Vue Storefront is an open-source headless eCommerce framework that lets you create frontends for any eCommerce backend or CMS. It's an API-first solution based on Nuxt.js, providing a great starting point for eCommerce, including a ready-to-use theme (Storefront UI).

It's an active open-source project adding new useful features and integrations regularly.

Alokai (formerly Vue Storefront) Frontend Platform for Headless Commerce
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StorefrontUI UI Framework for eCommerce
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UI Frameworks & Libraries

Vuetify 40365

  • ✅ Support for Vue 2 + 3

Vuetify is an open-source material design component framework for Vue.js that has been around since 2016.

It offers a large collection of components including flexible form fields, app bars and components for viewing larger amount of data. It's suitable for simple or more complex enterprise-grade use cases.

You can view some apps built with Vuetify here!

Vuetify.js Material Component Framework
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Quasar  26399

  • ✅ Support for Vue 2 + 3

Build responsive websites, PWAs, hybrid mobile Apps (that look native!) and Electron apps, all simultaneously using the same codebase, powered with Vue.

It offers a set of 120+ components from simple to more advanced like timelines, datatables, calendars, WYSIWYGs and more.

Quasar is modular and open-sourced, and is developed following best practices. It's stable since mid-2019.

Quasar Framework Multi-Platform Framework
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PrimeVue  12157

  • ✅ Support for Vue 2 + 3

PrimeVue is a comprehensive, open-source UI library for Vue with over 80 components. You can use it with Vue 3 as well as Vue 2.

It's design agnostic and offers various themes to choose from (Material Design, Bootstrap, FluentUI,.. – some of them premium), and helps you configure your own with their visual theme designer.

PrimeVue UI Component Library
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Element UI 54211 & Element Plus 25444

  • ✅ Support for Vue 2 + 3

Element is a component toolkit available for Vue.js, React and Angular.

It does not only support the workflows of developers, but designers and project managers as well – e.g. by offering Axure or Sketch templates.

Element UI is the Vue 2 version, and Element Plus is its successor based on Vue 3.

Element UI UI Toolkit
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Element Plus UI Component Library
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Naive UI 16839

  • ✨ Support for Vue 3

Naive UI is a customizable Vue 3 component library. In the words of its creator it's "fairly complete, not too slow and kinda interesting".

Naive UI is written in TypeScript and offers more than 80 treeshakable components – a nice, themeable system!

Naive UI Vue 3 Component Library
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Headless UI Vue 15558 & Nuxt UI 4632

  • ✨ Support for Vue 3

Headless UI is a set of unstyled, accessible UI components that are designed to integrate with TailwindCSS (built by Tailwind Labs themselves).

NuxtUI is a styled, more ready-to-use option which is built on top of Headless UI. It provides everything related to UI when building apps with Nuxt - components, icons, colors, dark mode and even keyboard shortcuts.

Headless UI Vue UI Component Library
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Nuxt UI Component Library for Nuxt
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Radix Vue 4553 & shadcn-vue 6664

  • ✨ Support for Vue 3

Radix Vue is a port of the React-based Radix UI primitives. It's an open-source, unstyled UI library for building design systems and web apps. You can use the customizable components as a base layer of your design system, or adopt them incrementally.

It focuses on accessibility, so all components are WAI-ARIA compliant, supporting keyboard navigation and following best practices.

You can also check out the component library shadcn-vue that is built on top of Radix Vue and TailwindCSS, offering 40+ components!

Radix Vue Unstyled & Accessible Component Library
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shadcn-vue UI Component Library
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Ant Design Vue 20664

  • ✅ Support for Vue 2 + 3

Ant Design Vue is a Vue implementation of the React-based enterprise component library Ant Design. 

It offers 70 customizable UI components including flexible tables, form components, lists and layout options for grids, menus and more.

Ant Design Vue Enterprise-class UI component library
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Buefy  9577 & Oruga 1148

  • ✅ Support for Vue 2 + 3

Buefy is a lightweight library of Vue UI components based on the Bulma framework and design. It's like a JS layer for your Bulma interface.

Buefy has been around for quite a bit and was a popular choice, so we did want to include it here, even though the main branch currently only supports Vue 2. There does exist a (WIP) Vue 3 version now (buefy-next), though.

Initially, Buefy was not intended to get a Vue 3 port – Oruga UI was planned to be an alternative for Vue 3 by the core maintainer of Buefy. It is a minimal UI component library that doesn't depend on any CSS framework. It offers a set of components that give you the flexibility to make them your own. Oruga offers a default stylesheet, but it contains only essential rules to display the components. It's super lightweight and unopinionated.

Now that both are (going to be) Vue 3-ready, both frameworks might be interesting for you!

Buefy UI Component Library
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Oruga UI Component Library
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Mobile UI Frameworks

Ionic Vue 47774

  • ✅ Support for Vue 2 + 3

Ionic is an open-source toolkit for building native-looking apps for iOS, Android and the web from one single codebase.

Their Vue version provides their UI components including animations and gestures with Vue-specific tooling. Smooth & straightforward!

Ionic Vue Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Framework
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Framework7  18320

  • ✅ Support for Vue 2 + 3

Framework7 is an open-source framework that lets you develop hybrid mobile apps or web apps that look like native apps. It offers iOS, Material Design and Aurora themes out of the box which makes it super easy to create apps with a native iOS or Android look and feel.

Framework7 Vue Framework for building iOS, Android & Desktop Apps
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Onsen UI  8843

  • ✅ Support for Vue 2 + 3

Onsen UI provides a variety of Vue.js components to create hybrid & mobile web apps with a native iOS & Android native look and feel as well.

The components automatically adapt to the respective styles according to the device the app is running on.

Onsen UI Vue Mobile App Development Framework
icon-eye-dark Created with Sketch. 14.449
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