Vuetify.js ( 40365 ) is currently the biggest (and most complete) Material Component Framework for Vue.js. More and more excellent Vuetify Learning Ressources are emerging! Here, I collect some of them!
I'll try to keep this list updated and I will keep adding new tutorials. If you think I'm missing an essential entry on this list just leave a comment or send me an email (!
Basic Single Page application using Vue.js and Firebase (by Oleg Agapov on
In this Tutorial, Oleg guides you through the process of creating a basic application with Vue.js and Firebase. You will build an authentication, make use of a real-time database and sprinkle a material design UI on top.
Vuetify Tutorial Example from Scratch (by Krunal Lathiya on
You will learn how to Install Vuetify into your Project, learn about its folder Structure and integrate a Toolbar and a Navigation Drawer!
Video-Tutorial: Vuetify Material Framework in 60 Minutes (by Bitfumes Webtechnologies on YouTube)
Video-Tutorial: Full Project with Vue.js + Vuetify + Firebase (by Maximilian Schwarzmüller / Academind on YouTube)
Video Tutorial: Build a Server Side Nuxt.js App With Vuetify, Axios and Vuex (by Erik Hanchett / Program with Erik on YouTube)
Erik will show you how to build a full SSR Application with Vue.js. He will show you how to utilise Vuetify, Vuex and Axios to make your life a bit easier!
Video Tutorial: Lets build a Desktop app using web technologies (by Axel Urie lMartínez Castillo / ackzell on YouTube)
How to build a recipe app using Vue.js and Vuex (by Jazib Sawa on
Learn how to create an elegant Recipe App using Vue.js, Vuex, Vuetify and Cosmic JS.
Vuetify is a Material Design component framework for Vue.js that empowers developers to create amazing applications fast and efficiently. All of the framework components are meticulously crafted to provide an easy to use interface while still maintaining the flexibility for seriously complex implementations. From first time developer to veteran, Vuetify has you covered.