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Materio Vuetify Admin

Vuetify Admin Dashboard Template

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Vuetify Admin Dashboard Template

"Materio is a developer-friendly & highly customizable admin dashboard template based on Vuetify. We've followed the highest industry standards to make it fast and easy to use.

Offering ultimate convenience and flexibility, you'll be able to build whatever application you want without hassle. Use Materio to create eye-catching, responsive single-page applications like SaaS platforms, project management apps, e-commerce backends and many more!

Materio also comes with 35+ ready-to-use page templates including 9 carefully crafted applications. Plus, it's well documented, making it even simpler to get started."

  • Pure Vue.js, no JQuery dependency
  • Created with Vue CLI
  • Utilizes Vuex, Vue Router, Webpack
  • Code splitting, lazy loading
  • JWT authentication
  • Access control (ACL)
  • ...and many more features!



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