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Desktop Cloud Management App

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Desktop Cloud Management App

"Commandeer is a tool built by developers for developers that solves a few major problems in the world of the cloud. Take control of your AWS cloud by managing your IAM, Lambda, S3, DynamoDB, SNS, SNS and more in an elegant desktop app.

If you have worked in the cloud, you have felt the same experience as us over and over again. From logging into the AWS console, selecting the correct region, searching through the hundreds of different services, and then going to a UI that may or may not be well built. Or running something on Localstack, and googling for some tool that will give you at least a tiny sliver of visual representation into your data.

What we are aiming to do with this tool is to let you as a developer see your cloud stack the same way you see your code, in a simple, intuitive, yet powerful new light.

Commandeer is an Electron app available for Mac, Windows & Linux built with Vue.js and Vuetify."

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