Learn Vue 3: The best resources 2023

Vue 3 comes with a lot of nice new features like native portals, the Composition API, suspense and more concepts you’ve probably heard somewhere by now.

Now that it's officially released and the ecosystem adapts and evolves, we'll be using it more and more in production. So it would be a good idea to level up your skills and dig into best practices for using all the shiny new features! Or maybe you want to learn Vue from scratch and want to start with the new version already?

No matter if you’re completely new to Vue or want to upgrade from Vue 2 – there are great resources out there for you to learn all about Vue 3.

Official Docs

Let's start with the most obvious resource: The official docs. We talked to a lot of Vue devs over the years, and many of them pointed out how useful the Vue documentation was for them when they were starting out. We can only agree that they're an excellent starting point.

If you have some knowledge of HTML / CSS and JS already (or maybe even with another framework?), they'll help you get started with the basics.

  • Start with the Introduction if you’re a Vue newbie ...
  • ... or check the Migration Guide if you already have some experience with Vue 2

Video Courses

If you’re the audiovisual learning type and want some structured guidance, there is a solid selection of video courses available. Many are taught by industry experts or Vue core team members. They know exactly what's important and always have some tips and tricks up their sleeves.

From our point of view you can’t really make a wrong decision with any of these:

Vue Mastery

If you have visited the official Vue docs, you maybe already saw them referencing video courses by Vue Mastery.

On Vue Mastery you can choose different learning paths with selections of courses for beginners, intermediate and advanced developers, as well as a distinct Vue 3 course track. They cover anything from basic concepts like reactivity to real world example projects. There's also a Deep Dive course with Evan You available.

Their Intro to Vue 3 course is completely free.

👉️ Go to vuemastery.com

Vue School

Vue School also offers a lot of quality video courses by a variety of teachers.

For beginners, they have a free Vue.js 3 Fundamentals course with the composition API or the options API.

If you’re experienced with Vue 2 already you may enjoy their deep dive courses What is new in Vue 3 or their Vue 3 Masterclass.

Vue School also offers remote, live Vue workshops if you want a more intensive training.

👉️ Go to vueschool.com

Frontend Masters

There's a Vue learning path on Frontend Masters as well with courses by core team members Sarah Drasner and Ben Hong. It includes an Introduction to Vue 3, a course about building apps with Vue & Nuxt, and best practices for production-grade Vue.js.

👉️ Go to frontendmasters.com

More Beginner-friendly Courses


If you prefer to learn through reading, there are a lot of (e-)books available to start or to wrap your head around advanced topics.

General guides

Vue.js 3 Cookbook Discover actionable solutions for building modern web apps with Vue & TypeScript
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Vue.js 3 By Example Build eight real-world applications from the ground up using Vue 3, Vuex, and PrimeVue
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Fullstack Vue 3 The Complete Guide to Vue.js
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Specialized & advanced topics

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Vue - The Road To Enterprise Advanced concepts for developing large-scale applications with Vue 2 & 3
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Rethinking Reusability in Vue Ebook about Code Reusability
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More free learning resources


Conference Talks

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